Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 388 KB
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Winged nomads move on, their cousins move in

Bohemian Waxwings frolicking during a winter storm
Beginning this past January I was presented with many opportunities to take some wonderful photos of the Bohemian waxwing, because these birds graced our neighborhood with their presence for several months.  Bohemian waxwings are nomadic in their behavior in that they follow the food source and have no specific home environment.  Guess my neighborhood has a huge food source which allowed them to stay for so long.  Bohemian Waxwings typically fly north in spring however, as they prefer the cooler environments of northern Europe, Asia and North America.  When these birds left in early spring, their cousins the Cedar waxwing moved in to take their place not long after.

While Cedar waxwings confine their nomadic wanderings to North and south America, like the Bohemian waxwing, their diet consists mostly of fruit and berries during non breeding seasons.   They too are known for falling drunkenly from a perch due to their greedy consumption of fruit.   During breeding season however, they consume mostly insects, although fruit is still a part of their diet.  Cedar waxwings love the sound of running water, so if you wish to attract these beautiful birds to your yard, all you need to do is add fruit bearing plants and a water fountain or bird bath.

Cedar Waxwing
Both species of waxwing have small patches of bright red feathers on their wings, which look like drops of  red wax.  Hence the name Waxwing.  They both  have yellow tipped tail feathers, as well as a black mask covering their eyes and a crest on their head.   However, otherwise the coloring of each species is quite different. 

Cedar Waxwing back view

The Cedar Waxwing has a yellow belly and white under tail coverts.  This bird is mainly cinnamon brown in color on the chest, throat, all of the head and crest.  The color then blends to soft gray on the back.  The Bohemian has a white belly and reddish orange under tail coverts, while his chest is mostly gray blending into cinnamon brown at the throat, face and crest, but the back of the head and the remainder of his body is soft gray in color.

Bohemian Waxwing
Cedar waxwing

The Bohemian waxwing has more red spots on the wing than the Cedar waxwing, and also has yellow and white wingtips.   Both of these colors are lacking on the Cedar waxwing's wing tips.  The Cedar waxwing however does have a small patch of white running along his back on both sides where the wings meet.  The male and female of both species have the same coloring, unlike other bird species where only the male sports the bright plumage.

Flock of Bohemian Waxwings
Pair of Cedar Waxwing

The Cedar waxwing is not easily seen during the breeding season, although you will hear their distinct, high pitched whistles.  In the fall, like their cousins the Bohemian waxwings, they fly in large flocks to seek out and follow the food supply.  Both species share their food, and will pass it along if it is in a place on a branch that is hard to reach.   Mated pairs will pass food or objects, such as flower petals back and forth. As you can see, these species are highly social in behavior and watching their behavior is a distinct joy.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Resolution: 1024 ×800

Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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On ancient walls and lunatics...

Arbroath Abbey - a "marker" from another time.
Lest anyone thinks that this posting's title is meant to reflect the venue and the visitors (us)...well, I'll leave that to you. :)

It is admitted that sometimes we both get overly caught up chasing after the potential "adventures" that await in the world outdoors, and need to be reminded of the nearby evidence of the incredible depth of history that exists in the heart and soul of Scotland.

Having said that, when hill walking in the lonely landscapes, it's easy to be stirred by images of the rough and ready life, countless generations ago in the glens and hills - and my Scottish blood is quite happy to be associated with those "great stalwart men, shaggy, unkempt and wild with a liking for strong drink".
Donnchadh*, a modern day descendent of the
"shaggy, unkempt, and wild"...
exiting the chamber for declared lunatics.
(A giant of a man, note how he "towers" in the doorway)

In reality though, I'm a relatively short guy with a close-trimmed beard, an unwarrior-like personality (most of the time), and an aversion to whiskey. But - the day will come. The "shaggy, unkempt and wild" will be back!

Arbroath Abbey is just down the road from where we are in Forfar, Scotland. As the sun set, casting its warm rays on these ancient walls, we felt deeply moved at its immensity and grandeur in an earlier time. The abbey was founded by King William the Lion in 1178 and it was dedicated in honour of St Thomas of Canterbury. In 1320, the Scottish Declaration of Independence was signed and addressed to the Pope with these, among other words:

"For, so long as a hundred remain alive, we will never in any degree be subject to the dominion of the English. Since not for glory, riches or honours do we fight, but for freedom alone, which no man loses but with his life."

Yes, indeed, those words have stirred strong feelings over many centuries - and to this day!

Peeking into a cold, stone-walled "cell", once reserved for those thought to be "mad", I shuddered at the thought of being incarcerated there. I'm sure that the rather unfortunate term, "lunatic", was a more subjective than clinical designation! It is impossible to imagine what life must have been like. You'd have to be more than tough to survive.

And next door to the ancient abbey,
21st Century "warriors" ponder

 more relaxed battle strategies.
When you ponder the hopes and the dreams, the plans and the passions, the lives and the "stories" that have accumulated over a thousand years in this is humbling. It also puts into perspective the things that we tend to natter, whine, complain, and "drip" about (the weather, pot holes, partisan politics) if such things, over the vast expanse of time, were ever of any real consequence.

Clearly, we have only so much time here on this fragile planet. It could well be that one day, a thousand years from now, someone might reflect on the "markers" and the words that we early 21st Century inhabitants leave behind - would be wonderful, if what they find, reflects our best efforts and our most honourable aspirations.

Breathless, this time, by an ancient abbey.


*Gaelic, "brown warrior" - gotta like that. :)

Lionel Messi Wallpaper

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 347KB
Resolution: 1024 ×800

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 174 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 110 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 454 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 451 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 132 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 189 KB
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Lionel Messi Wallpapers

Lionel Messi Wallpaper #1
Size: 132 KB
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Monday, June 27, 2011

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

Bonek Persebaya Wallpaper

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new upin ipin wallpaper

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

3D Art On The Road 2011-12 | Amazing 3D Art Streets 2011-12

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